DeanPutra’s Weblog

Perusahaan Kreatif
October 20, 2008, 4:48 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Perusahaan yg kreatif menurut saya adalah XEROX, perusahaan yg namanya banyak dipampang didepan warung foto kopi. Mengapa XEROX, karena XEROX adalah perusahaan yg pertama kali menemukan sebuah benda elektronik (perangkat komputer) yg saat ini kita kenal dengan nama “mouse”. Meskipun pada akhirnya kreatifitas XEROX “dicuri” oleh microsoft maupun apple. Akan tetapi ide pertama pembuatan mouse tersebut muncul ketika XEROX melihat kesulitan dari sebuah pengoperasian komputer tanpa alat bantu yg dapat digerakan sesuai keinginan pemakainya, dan pada akhirnya ditemukanlah mouse, yang pada awal penggunaannya masih memakai bulatan kecil yg tergubung pada scroll pemutar pada bagian dalam mouse yg berfungsi untuk menggerakan kursor pada layar. Pada saat ini mouse telah menggunakan sebuah perangkat optik dalam penggunaannya.

Creative person…
October 10, 2008, 9:21 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Maybe there are many person that has their own way of thinking to create something that has creative value, where for the creator it give some value to increasing their ability. For me, creative is the things that happen based on the person it self, the person want their creativity comes out or they don’t want use it and let their creativity lay down on their brain. For the persons that have ability to use their creativity in useful way, it very helpful to make something different in society welfare or in other things such as education. Because their creativity will give something fresh to the system and it makes every part in the system get new things from the system, the system will not run static.

For me the person in the picture above is one of creative person in many creative persons. Why? Because he can implement his ideas into the real life, based on his story in beginning of class, he start to do something different because of something different too! What the meaning? He has dream to publish some book that related with his ability, and it never ending because his activity. One day, he playing badminton with his neighborhood, and while he playing his leg is injure. He can’t walk, and he just can rest in his home. And when he can’t do anything, his brain start thinking creative to create something even his leg can support his activity, and he remember about his dream to publish some book, and he start to make it with the leg injured. And, finally he can finish his book and he can publish his book. In class, he implement different style in teaching, he focus with his subject with many video that support his topic, and it make the topic easier to understand for the audience.

Do you know this person?Yes.. he is Albert Einstein who found relativity theory. He has different style of thinking where it makes he is creative person, because he can see the things from different side, and he implement his ideas to the real life based on his the way of thinking. He try to discuss about his interest with science with his friends and wife, he try to understand what is the core of his interest, and he get the conclusion that application is more important than explanation. It means, he always try to make his ideas becoming real, not only just explanation about his ideas without application about his ideas. Same with Mr. Agus Nggermanto, Einstein write some books too, where he put his ideas into his book.

Why we need creativity?
October 10, 2008, 7:29 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

we need creativity because for survive in this era, which is information era we must up date about everything in the world, if we not creative of course we will be the person who will just follow others people, and not be able to make something different and useful for our self or another person.Creativity not only talk about how somebody get the different style of thingking with other people, but how to implement it to becoming real. Well, we can see in some factory, it doesn’t matter how the factory create something different from other factory, but we must see about who is the person that has different ideas with other people to make the machine that can used for factory to make something unique and different from other factory items. In this case I talked about we must be able to see that in some differentiation there are some key person who has creativity that others people doesn’t have, where he/she can implement their ideas to becoming real.

For the example, James Watt is founder of condenser and steam engine, where his ideas can change the world. From his ideas (steam engine), factory era is begin, where the process start using machine and the human just control the machine, and James Watt not stop with their steam machine, he found the condenser for electricity, and because of it some organization in England dedicated his contribution to the name of electricity sign (Satuan Listrik)! Watt.

For another example is about diesel machine, where it builds because the founder has different style of thinking with other people. There is Rudolf Diesel who found the diesel machine. In his era, steam engine is very popular; everybody uses it for their daily activity. And, diesel has different way of thinking and think he be able to make some machine that has more power than steam machine, and from it he start to make the machine. And after he succeed to make diesel machine, he publish his book about diesel machine with title “Theory and Construction of A Rational Heat Engine for Substitution of the Steam Engines and that Today Admitted Combustion Engines”.